Rain Rain Go Away, Come Again Another Day....
Like I've said earlier, my sunshine after the rain would not last for too long...
Anyway, during this 'clash', I may have a little problem with my attitude towards the issue. Perhaps, that's because I am pissed off by the fact that he kept thinking negative things about people. He was the one who wanted everything to be done in his method. Okay, this time, I must agree I was a little out-of-the-way during the discussion and I know further elaboration of the things that he did not want would eventually pissed him off but I still went ahead.
Last but not least, I hated it whenever he kept 'reminding' me about how a business should be run and I cannot do things as per my emotion (Look who's having all the mood swing here????)
Hey, if I can really think like what he is thinking, I won't be here getting a miserable payroll while he is getting 5 times as much as I earned, right? There must be a logical explanation for this.
Well, at least I can withhold my emotion better than last time during the 'discussion'. It seems that there was a miscommunication during the last meeting and that is why he was also pissed off by my attitude...what can I say when there was indeed a miscommunication in the first place???
It's like a never-ending cycle...and would all these series of misfortunate events made me a better woman?
He sometimes makes me wonder if I really have problems with my attitude. I tried to do some soul searching and think back about days when I was working for OTHER PEOPLE...
Have I been a difficult person? Did I always do things my own way without consulting people?
Never, but perhaps only with him.
If I ever turned into an aloof person, he would be my maker then....
But I would never DO THAT! If I really turned into a person even I myself hated, I would kill myself!
I must clear my mind and be extra extra extra careful during next time.
Give me strength and yes....wish me luck!
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