A Nobody's Business...

Monday, March 14, 2005


I don't know why I am having problem typing out the chinese font in this area...so, I think I will have to finish the story (of my previous blog) with my lousily translated English version....hahaha

Okay, so the King of Hade decided to grant the human spirit his wish, that is, to let him have the 10 years from the cow, dog and monkey and happily, the 4 spirits went on their way to the mortal world.

Now, the human would have a lifespan of 60 years, let's take a closer look at how he lived his life....

For the first 29 years, he lived happily and led a normal life until he met his true love on the day he turned 30 and they married each other within a few months of dating.

For the next ten years of his life (from 30 to 40), he had to slog and slog, days and nights, as if he was a cow (remember? after the 30 years of life span that he originally had, the next 10 years was donated by the cow's spirit.) ploughing the padi fields days and nights.

He had to endure all those tiring works because he needed as much money as he could possibly make in order to cater all the needs and requirements of his wife, not to mention that she had given him 4 adorable babies.

Soon, another 10 years had passed and he was near his retirement age...he was glad that all his efforts in putting his children through their education didn't go down the drain for all the four of them were exceling academically.

However, he had this realisation that he had spent most of his time in his living room, staring at the unopened door during the nights, sometime during wee hours, waiting for his children (who were already in their teens) to return because he was so worried about them...he felt just a dog, waiting anxiously for its owner to come home (remember, the next 10 years of his life was donated by the dog's spirit).

Finally, all his children had gotten married and of course, he became a grandfather and also reached the age of retirement. In order to reduce his children's monetary burden and also to find something to do for time killing, he volunteered to babysit his grandchildren while they were at work.

One fine day....

" Grandpa! Grandpa!" One of his little granddaughter came runing to him in tears.

" What happened?" He asked concernedly.

" Gor Gor beat me!" The little girl complained before bursting into tears again.

" Don't cry, don't cry..." The old man quickly made a funny face and fortunately it manage to stop the girl from crying.

" Haha...grandpa...you look so funny...just like the monkey in the Discovery Channel!"

~ The End ~
So, what is this story trying to tell us?
Why don't you spend some time to observe around and then let me know....because only the one who drinks the glass of water can determine if it is a glass of warm or cold water....


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