A Nobody's Business...

Monday, February 28, 2005

Good News Or Bad News?

Encountering another tiny *hic* today...I don't really know whether this news is a good or bad one. The good thing is that I now can rest more...however, whether it's just me or what? I just couldn't help pondering on the 'actual' reason behind this issue.

I really hope that after this blogging, I am able to relieve the tension that I now have inside my stomach...why must I have this kind of feeling? Hmmm...the reason given sounded reasonable enough...or maybe I am just not confident about my own capability? Perhaps that is the case...

Again, I am wondering if this a punishment? You know... some kind of indirect warning in telling me that "Hey, are you getting just a little bit...urhemmm...(you know what's that)...so this is a little lesson to teach you how to behave."

Always! Always I have been reminding myself about this, but then I am just stubbornly ignoring my own reminder. Another chance for me perhaps? *puppy eyes* anyway, we've got to stand up from where we've fallen. This might just be a 'trip' over certain cracks on the ground, or a flight of un-noticed staircase...I am sure that everything happens for a reason. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean I don't have to do some reflection on my thinking and behaviour. Like what my mom told me, sometimes, I tend to get overwhelmed by the situation that I am in (especially the good ones)...hahaha...

Thank god! I am feeling a little better than just now...(how funny human beings are).

Life goes on...am going to make it to the fullest no matter what...yes, I may fall from times to times, but who wouldn't?


The Grey Boundaries....

Learning from mistakes is a tedious process, but it is unavoidable. Without having this slice of pie in our life, perhaps, we are only growing up physically, not mentally.

Been putting on my pondering cap for the past two weeks and landing myself into that 'grey boundaries' of our lives, an area which most of us have been trying to avoid (if possible). That's the time when you would be feeling extremely tiny, insignificant and useless. Nevertheless, I guess without having all those reality checks, people wouldn't be able to excel.

Disappointments, fears, anguish, anxieties...

When you are watching some dramas or movies, you are like 'god' watching other people living their lives...then, you will start making predictions (which are normally accurate, unless the script writers are trying to be 'creative') and comments about how those people should or should not do. But when the same scenario hits the real life, we would be speechless and action-less? (is there such a word? Ha! *Sweatdrops*)

Peace and quiet might sound really boring because once a while we might want something exciting to happen in our 'boring life'.

Think again, are our lives really that 'boring'???

Friday, February 18, 2005



1. [U] the active force in animals and plants that makes them different from all other bodies

2. [U] matter in which this force is present and which can grow, produce new forms etc

3. [C;U] the state or condition of being alive

4. [U] (the typical qualities of) human existence

5. [C;U] the period between birth and death; between birth and the present time, or between the present time and death.

6. [C] the period for which a machine, organization, etc., will work or last

7. [C;U] a stated manner or type of existence

8. [U] existence as a collection of widely different experience

9. [U] activity; movement

10. [U] active cheerfulness; VIGOUR

11. [U] the cause of interest, pleasure, or happiness in living

12. [the+S+of] a person or thing that is the cause of enjoyment or activity in a group.

So, LIFE is supposed to be active, cheerful, vigour, interesting, a pleasure and happy. There aren't any negative description for LIFE in this dictionary.

Then, why aren't people happy all the time??

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Reality sucks....

Recently, I am addicted to 'Judging Amy'. Heartwarming but realistic contents. There are no 'Mr or Mrs or Miss Goody' in this drama. Every character has his or her pros and cons.

Sometimes an angel, sometimes a devil.
Sometimes a considerating soul, sometimes a selfish jerk/bitch.

That's realistic and it's a reality.

It sucks......